I've been interested in getting a wifi camera for a while, but always found them to be out of reach price-wise...$30-ish and higher was just more than our budget would allow for such a toy type interest...
And then:
I got tempted enough to go for a deal on a pair of wifi security cameras made by LaView.
(The pair were really inexpensive by way of a coupon code.)
Cute little things with IR ability, etc & billed as viewable via Android app.
Set the 1st up as just a plain cam with IR shut off, using their app (required for viewing) and a spare LG K8 that I'd gotten for peanuts but never used, as it is US Cellular, which we have none of around here.
At the start I was positively impressed as it had a good field of view & streamed pretty well.
At some time after starting to use it, it would disconnect sort of randomly from its app.
It took some trial & error, but after that I figured out how to make it connect without having to totally recreate the entire connection at both ends.
Contacted the seller for support, and after a few days the response I got was...just a refund, so OK, now they became free cameras - but with zero support efforts made by the seller ?!?
Kept at this, and a bit later their app updated itself, then began closing itself in various ways as well.
It could be re-opened, but would soon fail again - like within just a few minutes.
Tried contacting the company directly for support via phone (no answer after 1/2 hour hold time), support ticket, and email.
No responses from them via any method.
Based upon all the above, and even if a superb looking deal comes along=>
I strongly recommend staying far away from any product made by LaView, unless disappointment is desired.
(Now I know why they were selling 'em so cheaply !!)
They may have some other great products, but minus any sort of support from the company, they could easily just become a total waste of time & $$$ - essentially just paperweights like what I got.