with this virus my area is basically on shut down. most of my family share one netflix & hulu acct however there are 2 that dont because they dont have ( cant get ) internet in their area, and they are freaking out because they use their dvd players and the movie store. my thought process is this. use unlimited data plans from tello to 2 phones. download the netflix & hulu apps loan these phones out. 1 small 8 inchish screen is not going to over well and i see it ending like lord of flies between small humans. so i thought i need to get an adapter from mini usb to hdmi. however then how do i keep the phone charged? do they have a split cord, one that runs to the hdmi and then one for charging? i cant find what im looking for. maybe im not googling the right words. please dont suggest tethering the process is too complicated for them. a plug and play cord will save my life.
What I'm saying is that of you found a cable that provided the connections that you desire, it's unlikely that your phone would actually be able to provide HDMI-out through the micro USB port.
I have an old Galaxy Note 2 that will do it, but most modern phones don't. My guess is that cellular services don't want their customers cancelling home internet and doing all their streaming to their TVs through their phones.
i have one of these! its in my box o cords! its extremely short though not more than 3 ft. i just did a trial and it worked with the phone , i trialed with you tube but if it works for you tube one must guess it works for the other. 1 down.
as for chomecast does it matter dongle vs flash drive looking deal? dont have the chromecast on me. but was told it was available. they used it years ago in another house.
edit: also doesnt chromecast need wifi? wifi is something that house doesnt have and so then needs to use the data from the phone
Thanks people! i really feel sometimes im a visual learner and never wouldve tried or connected that the short hdmi cord would work for my needs. (it really is short its almost as if it was built to use with a pc or something sitting right next to it. my 1st estimate was off i measured it and came out with 1 1/2 ft cord) i have one samsung circa 2017 using the cord. and one motorola e4 using hotspot through an xbox 360. ive done my part and now everyones set for this seemingly never ending quarantine.