I gave up on the Pollfish surveys. I've had nothing but good luck on "the swirling-black-dots surveys" though. Never had one that didn't pay off.
When the Pollfish start popping up on every other swipe again I'm planning to use wireshark or some other sniffer to see if I can find a way to permanently block them. It seems that no matter the age group, income range, etc. that I try they almost always eventually kick me out with the "Oops someone ate all the surveys" message. The most frustrating are the ones that I have already put in as much as 3-5 minutes on and answered a ton of questions, only to get kicked out with no reward for the time spent. I simply refuse to do them now and so does everyone else in my household.
The "Oops someone ate all the surveys" message sounds like based on your answer, that category ran out of surveys. But yes, getting you to answer 3-5 min of questions is basically a way to steal your time to answer surveys for free...
Same. I tend to skip them unless they insist (keep popping up and thus making my swiping unproductive. If I could disable them, I would. To take my time and not even give me 1 silver is unacceptable.
Interesting. I've never had any of the black swirling dot ones credit. Even when I get through and the pop up says I earned x. In fact not one person I know has earned anything from those. I cross those out every time.
The pollfish ones have been great though especially when they come during the first 20. Can't get enough of them!
I can't really say for sure. I am 60 and male so I always select the age range that includes 60 and I select male for gender. I have had a few that immediately close after selecting age or sometimes when I select the income range but they have ALWAYS paid off with the full amount - 100 silver during the first 20. Never had a problem with those. In fact I like it when they close after selecting age or income - good payoff for almost no effort
With the Pollfish surveys I have tried all age and income groups and they still usually end up with the "someone ate all the surveys" message and pay nothing for the effort. That's why I won't even start on one of those again.
Funnily enough, just-a-cat and Mark's suggestions worked -- but each one worked only once! After that, the swirly-dots were back to swirling pointlessly -- meaning, without giving any points. And someone was back to eating all the Pollfish surveys again!